
Saturday, November 1, 2008

2009 Polarthon

Registration opens soon for the 2009 Polarthon!

This annual family event will be held January 11th and is organized in conjunction with with the Logan Lake Polar Carnival, a 36 year old tradition at Logan Lake. The Polarthon is a winter triathlon, combining
  • 3 km ice skate (any style)
  • 5 km run (in 2.5 k intervals) , and
  • 4 km ski (freestyle or classic)
Come enjoy the great outdoors and get some exercise! Prizes are given for various age and team categories. The new prizes this year are Best Costume and Best Team Costume.

Registration forms will be available soon! Mark your calendar now and make a note to register by January 2th for early bird registration fees: $25 for individuals and $40 for teams. Team registrations must be completed by noon on January 9th.

Race day registration & bib pickup is from 8:00am - 8:30am and the awards & draw prizes from Runners Sole will be held at 11:00am at the Logan Lake Recreation Centre.


  1. Sylvia great job on the blog....thanks for all your effort.

  2. Thanks so much! Happy to contribute something back to the club :-)


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