January 7th, 2012
Hosted by: Kamloops River City Racers Speed Skating Club
Experience Speed Skating as it use to be and....no shoveling required
Welcome to the 6th Annual Long Track Invitational Speed Skating event for Southern BC. The purpose of this event is to give southern skaters exposure to outdoor long track skating without having to travel great distances (of course northern skaters are also welcome). Our goal is to provide a friendly and fun event with fast ice. Please be patient with us as this is an outdoor event, held on natural ice, and dependent on the weather and volunteers.
We hope to run three events for each skater and a forth, weather permitting as this is an outdoor event.
Dress warmly and in layers. Helmet, neck guard, shin and knee pads are not mandatory. Please ensure that no skin is showing.
Logan Lake – on the Lake (Owen’s Oval)
Time: warm up 8:00am – 8:20am; racing 8:30am – 1:00pm
Medical: First Aid – St. John’s
Sanction: Safety standards per
List of registrants must be emailed to longblades@hotmail.com by 8:00pm Monday January 2nd.
An excel spreadsheet is available for registrars to submit your entries by email. Registration is limited to 120 skaters on a first come, first served basis. All others will be placed on a waiting list.
Seed Time: Fundamental Skaters and up (age 6 and up) 300m, 16+ and up 500m, Cradles 100m; please use best times from short track for consistency
Entry Fee: $27.00 Fundamental Skaters and up (age 6 and up). $17.00 Active Start (under 6) One cheque per club please.
Registration: Owen’s Oval, Logan Lake, BC
Eligible skaters: Active Start to Master
Format: Age Class. If there is less than 4 skaters in an age class these skaters will be combined with the closest age class of the same gender but not to exceed 7 on a line. Skaters in these combined divisions will continue to receive points based on their registered age class. If there is more than 7 skaters in an age class heats will be skated. Only the top 6 skaters will advance to the final.
Officials: Needed. Please contact Diana Coder at longblades@hotmail.com or at (250) 374 - 3719 if you can help officiate or volunteer for this event.
Races will start with the Active Start to Masters.
Athletic BIBS will be provided for each skater to wear while racing. Please return these bibs at the end of the competition.
General registration:
7:45 am – 8:00 am (Owen’s Oval)
Coaches and officials meeting:
8:00 am – 8:15 am (Owen’s Oval)
Skaters' Warm Up:
8:00 am – 8:20am (Owen’s Oval)
8:30 am – 1:00 pm (Owen’s Oval)
Lunch – Officials only: 1:00 pm – 1:30 pm (Curling Rink – upstairs)
Awards presentation: 1:30 (Owen’s Oval) approximate time
Lunch and Awards presentations are approximate times.
Logan Lake - Copper Valley Motor Inn
(includes restaurant – 500 meters from the LOop) 19 Apex, Logan Lake
To reserve phone: 250-523-9433
Merritt – Econo-lodge, 2201 Voght, Merritt
To reserve phone: 250-378-4291
Various other motel/hotels in Kamloops (approximately 35 minutes from Logan Lake, BC).
For more information please contact:
Meet Coordinator:
Diana Coder 250 374 3719 (longblades@hotmail.com)
View and download this information and entry form.